To build a concrete driveway with a rock texture and various shades of color
is a re-post from my facebook album "Stencilled Concrete Driveway" that
I wanted to add to my blogging repertoire: O
k, so this is another crazy project/challenge:
i want to "build" my own concrete driveway but who wants a boring grey
square block of concrete in front of their house? so how about adding
some color, some texture and some tile pattern? well, there just happens
to be something called stamped concrete, but the skill level for that
is beyond what i dare to attempt at this time so i did some research and
found another technique called stencilled concrete. basically you lay a
pattern of cardboard (called a stencil) on the freshly poured concrete,
throw some color on top which will cover every place the stencil is
NOT, then roll a texture roller over the whole thing to create a real
rock look (not just the smooth boring flat concrete) and voila! your own
textured, colored and stencilled driveway that looks like custom brick
or tile or whatever pattern the stencil is.
the first step i had to
take was finding a 2ft x 2ft rock in a sandstone query that had a
pleasant texture. once i found that rock i proceeded to create a
silicone mold of the rock. normally you'd use a two component urethane
rubber but since i hadn't ordered it yet i wanted to proceed and used 10
tubes of silicone instead. i didn't realize that i bought the white
stuff which left some marks on the actual rock. i kinda wish i had paid
attention and gotten the clear silicone but it worked anyways. in
retrospect i would have probably waited until i got the urethane rubber
instead but since i've never done this it was a lesson learned for the
next time. Note: I'll describe the process
below with each picture, but the basic process goes like this:
1. Take a mold of a rock in a query
2. Use that mold to create a polyurethane concrete roller
3. Compact the sub-base of the driveway
4. Put up forms to hold the concrete
5. Build in a sprinkler park for my son
6. Place reinforcing iron mesh in the driveway
7. Place the concrete
8. Smooth out the top, throw on coloring "shake-on"
9. Throw on release powder
10. Roller the texture into the concrete
11. Cut expansion joints
12. Coat the driveway with a curing/sealing agent
Silicone mold of rock from Audubon query |
once i lifted the silicone mold off the rock
(oh yeah, i used a lubricant that contains silicone before i put the
actual silicone on the rock to make it come off easier) i noticed that
there were some spots that were just flat and boring so what i ended up
doing once i got the urethane rubber was to create a little mini mold of
a more interesting area of the original mold as can be seen in this
picture |
once the rubber cured (16hrs) i lifted it off and got this |
then i used silicone to "glue" the little mini
molds on top of the larger mold where the boring spots were. in order to
see the actual texture better i just used some black spray paint over
the whole thing so you can see where i lifted off the mini molds (white)
and where i glued them on (yellowish) |
now i had to create a core pipe, slightly
larger (about 1/2 inch) than what was gonna be the final steel core. i
used my router to cut out circles out of mdf and wrapped those circles
with aluminum flashing |
then i wrapped the silicone mold around the aluminum pipe with the textured side toward the inside |
another view of the silicone mold wrapped and taped around the temporary (slightly larger) core |
and another one |
i attached a strip of plexi glass to the base
of the router, measured 3 and 1/8" from the router bit, drilled a hole
through the plexi glass, attached it to the mdf and used that as a
make-shift "compass" to cut out a perfect circle |
the underside of the piece of mdf |
next step: create another pipe that goes on the
outside of the silicone mold that will hold the mold in place for
pouring the final'll make sense later |
here you see from the inside: 1. temporary
larger core, 2. silicone mold with texture facing inward, 3. outside
pipe that holds the silicone mold, 4. outside mdf circles that holds the
flashing in place |
here's the outermost structure that will hold the silicone mold so i can pour the rubber to create my final texture roller |
outside structure with the final inside metal core (5 and 5/8" diameter steel pipe with 3/8" thick walls) |
the whole thing assembled with the temporary core still in place |
from the top |
using silicone to glue the ouside pipe to the mdf structure |
another view |
and another one with the steel core sitting beside it |
i had to weld some 3/16" steel to the steel
core to enable me to attach the final roller to a handle so that i can
roll it over the soft concrete to imprint the texture |
this is after i removed the temporary inside
core to reveal the texture of the silicone mold. i had to use more
silicone to create a seamless seam where the wrapped around silicone
mold joined to itself. |
another view where you can see the texture of the silicone mold |
i had to place a light behind the pipe so i could look through and smooth out the seam |
just as a test i placed the final metal roller core inside of the silicone mold |
and a close up |
i used a piece of mdf to hold the steel core
perfectly in place to have an even gap between the core and the silicone
mold where i could then pour in the urethane rubber |
sealing up all the edges so that the urethane rubber doesn't leak out |
another close up |
another view of the inside of the silicone mold
with the piece of wood attached to the end where the steel core will be
screwed to |
another view |
here's after the urethane was poured to fill in
the gap between the steel core and the silicone mold. except for the
problem was that once i mixed the two components of the urethane rubber
together i only had about 15-20 minutes to fill in the gap and i found
out that the viscosity was similar to liquid honey or corn syrup so it
wouldn't really flow well into the gap. what i ended up having to do was
taking a large ziplock bag, cut a corner off and shove it down into the
1/4" gap, then fill up the zip lock bag with urethane rubber and
squeeze it into the gap kinda like icing sugar on a cake. what a mess
this was and the rubber was so sticky, i still have splotches on my arms
now 4 days later... |
a close up of the pour |
here's what the final roller looks like. again,
to be able to see the texture a bit better i just spray painted it
black. the color will flake off once i start using it but it was worth
it to see the final result |
another view |
and another one |
and the last one of the roller |
after the roller was created i figured i'll
make another mold for the areas of the driveway that i cannot access
with the roller so i mixed up some more rubber and poured it on the same
silicone mold i used to create the roller. it turned out quite nice i
must say |
another view of the second mold |
here's the finished texture roller. 22.5" wide
and about 6" diameter. it probably weighs aout 40lbs plus another 10-15
with the handle |
a closer look |
i ended up cutting a little groove in the end of the "axle" and used a tension clip to hold it in place |
as a little test sample I used a piece of osb
(40" x 32") and divided it with 3" flashing bent to create a bit of a
curvy edge to it so later when splitting it up it looks a bit more
decorative |
Here's the freshly poured concrete. it took 4 bags of "simply add water" cement mix, 260lbs of it in total |
here's after the color hardener was applied. i did mostly slate grey and added some brown and some reddish |
this is the antiquing release powder which
prevents the texture roller from sticking to the concrete. it also gives
a variation of color where the indentations of the roller press into
the fresh concrete |
this is what it looked like after the concrete
was washed, broken apart and coated with a sealer. the driveway will not
have the cracks in it but for the front of the door i found it looks a
bit nicer |
here's a close up |
and another one |
and another one. notice the darker spots are where the texture roller pressed the release powder into the fresh concrete |
compacting the driveway with this 2000lbs diesel plate compactor |
nathaniel inspecting the plumbing after all the
sprinkler pipes were set in place and "concreted" down. the other
"splats" are to put some weight on the buried 1/2" pex pipe to prevent
them from pulling out of the ground |
here's the composition of the sprinklers: 3/8"
stainless steel threaded rod slotted with the angle grinder for easy
placement/removal. This piece goes inside of a drilled out and threaded
brass cap (pex). The red stuff is wax which i tried to use to cover it
all up so it won't get dirty with the concrete, but i ended up using
regular vaseline because the wax fell off |
27 nozzles with a stainless steel solid core
and in the spring i can take out those cores and replace them with ones
that have a 1/16" hole in them (that's where the water will then spray
out) |
placing the wire mesh for structural stability |
close-up of the 6-jet circle |
the manifold which can be hooked up to my
cold/hot water taps. 1 circuit for the 6-jet circle, 2 circuit for the
two 6-jet straight lines and 1 circuit for the 9-jet cross |
finished with the preparations, ready for the concrete |
10.5 cubic meter of 35MPA (that's the strength of the concrete) |
placing and screeding. i've had my brother in
law shawn, my neighbor marty and a friend from church, josh help out
with the dirty work |
half-way through we realized that the concrete
was setting faster than planned so i had to start coloring it while the
boys finished pouring and screeding it |
here's the dark gray color hardener |
and some reddish and tan accent colors |
here's the brown and red powder i used to give the gray/black some color variation |
the boys hard at work |
once all the color was worked in we broadcast
antiquing release poweder which would prevent the texture roller from
sticking to the somewhat wet concrete |
here's shawn helping me with rolling the texture into the concrete |
after it was all done for the night |
yes, it was a dirty job |
in the morning i brushed the excess release powder and snapped some chalk lines for the concrete saw |
cutting the control joints so that when the
concrete cracks (yes, concrete will always crack) it will crack
underneath the cuts where it is already weakened. I placed a 5" slab and
cut about 1.5 inches into the slab |
after pressure washing it |
here's the 4x8 sheet of plywood onto which i built the forms to create the patio blocks for the front entry |
the finished and sealed driveway. it rained
today so you can see the little puddles, but the color is what it is
during a normal non-rainy day. i think it's beautiful. |
here's the form i used to create the patio block stones for the front entry way |
here's the front entry way with the patio blocks |
another shot of the front entry |
and a close up of one of the patio stones with Joshua 24:15 in Hebrew letters |
and here's a close up of the 9-jet "x" which will be the sprinkler "park" next summer |
here's a closer look at the color variation |
and another closer look |
a view from across the street. all i'm gonna
have to do now is the landscaping and re-paint the side walk; it got
kinda dirty too. HUGE thanks to Shawn, Marty and Josh!!! Couldn't have
done it without their help! And a special thanks goes to my beautiful
wife who put up with me being stressed out for the last couple of weeks
and particularly the day of pouring the concrete. She's the best! |
hmmm...i wonder what that big fluorescent tape across the side walk means... |
well, i don't know, maybe i'll have to go walk on it to find out |
how pretty it looks... |
yes, and then i think i'll walk back and forth on the beautiful black driveway with my white paint covered boots |
a closer look at the home-made patio stones that lead to the side door |
the concrete blocks that lead to the side door
are anywhere from as large as my hand to platters about 2 by 2 feet (and
very heavy). in total the walk way is a bit more than 4 feet wide and
16 feet long |
Too many to list, but here's a few: saw, hammer, sledge hammer, 2000lbs rented diesel compactor, bolt cutters, knife, pex crimper, drill, concrete roller, brush, sprayer, rented diamond blade concrete saw for expansion joints, rented magnesium concrete float, other concrete tools, rake, pick axe and many, many more
2 gallons of polyurethane reo-flex (shore 60A) for roller, 2' of well casing for roller core, 24' of 1"x1" square steel tubing for roller handle, 11m3 of concrete, 1 gal of decra seal, silica sand, concrete colorant, cement for dry shake-on material, rebar, wire mesh, 1/2" pex pipe for sprinklers, brass caps for sprinkler nozzles, pipes for 4-circuit sprinkler manifold,
10 for research, 15 for concrete roller, 5 for dry shake-on concrete colorant, 15 for sprinkler set up, 10 for base prep (plus 5hrs paid for an excavator), 5 for actual pouring (plus 4 hours for each of the 4 helpers), 5 for cutting expansion joints, clean up and sealing:
Grand total of approximately 65 hours (not including 25hrs of other people's time that helped out)
$6,000 to $10,000
Love it!